Wedding Vows - Wedding Compass

The importance of personalized wedding vows

Nothing is more important or special than the wedding vows you cite on your special day. This is more important than the size or grandeur of your wedding, the wedding cake, the honeymoon, the choice of rings–your vows are a sacred pact between you and your beloved. They should be meaningful and resonate with the feelings you have towards one another.

Michael Jonathan Studios

Traditional wedding vows?

Many couples choose to use traditional wedding vows because they have stood the test of time and to honor their family traditions.

Writing your own vows

michaeljonathanstudios.com39icec9f - CopyIf you’ve decided you want to write your own vows, this should be a mutual agreement between you and your future spouse. If one of you wants to use traditional wedding vows however, there is no reason you can’t compromise. The one who wants to go the traditional route can cite those vows while the other cites the vows they’ve written. It is customary that each of you cite the same vows.

Plan Ahead

You need to plan ahead and take some time when deciding the vows you want to cite on your wedding day. Begin by asking yourself a few questions. What is the most special thing about the person you’re marrying? How does this person make you feel on a deeper level, maybe on a spiritual level? What does being married to this person mean to you?

Michael Jonathan StudiosIt will also help to spend some time reading poetry–especially love poems. Reading poetry can help you find the right words you want to say. You can use parts of several poems and put them all together to get the message just right.

Once you’ve gotten the vows written, you need to practice speaking them and hopefully memorize them for the special day. For this reason you may want to keep them relatively short and simple.

Whether you decided on traditional vows or write your own, this will be one of the most special days of your life. Make it special and memorable.


Michael Jonathan Studios

Images Courtesy: Michael Jonathan Studios Wedding Photography