Music For Your Weddings: "Going Live" - Wedding Compass

Consider live music at your event

You have the room booked, chosen the meals, invited the guests, and planned your wardrobe. So, now what to do about music for your dinner party? This is a special event, and its special nature needs to be reflected in every detail. Plugging an I-Pod in to speakers probably will not represent your excellent taste and desire to create the perfect atmosphere for your guests. So, what kind of music and musicians should you choose?

The style and choice of musicians chosen for their event should reflect the nature of the party being hosted. For example, if this is a small party, a soloist may work well. A pianist, harpist, or guitarist could provide beautiful ambient music during cocktail hour and dinner. For bigger events, a larger ensemble may be optimal so that not only are the musicians heard, but that the size of the ensemble performing reflects the size of the audience.

And what about the kind of music performed? This is a topic that should always be discussed with your performer or performers before you book. For a more formal dinner party, classical music always works well, as it creates a beautiful, timeless feel for your event. For more casual events, classical music is again a good choice, but there is no harm in mixing in a few popular tunes from musical theatre and movies to add variety. People enjoy hearing tunes that they recognize, particularly in new and interesting settings and arrangements. Your performers could perform a set of 18th century music during the first hour, and then perform famous movie music like “Over the Rainbow” and “Somewhere In Time” for the next set at a less formal event. Throw in some Strauss waltzes after that, and you’ve got the makings of a beautiful evening of music to accompany your wonderful company, food, and venue.

Sometimes people wonder if the expense is really worth it to hire live music as opposed to just using recorded music. You are not providing your guests with artificial food, and those are not artificial flowers on the table, so why provide them with artificial, recorded music? Live performers help to create the total package of your event, making it memorable and beautiful. Considering the cost of your meals, room rentals, attire, and everything else that goes along with the event, the cost of your musicians per guest comes out to be just a fraction of the total cost of the party.

In closing, live music can put the final elegant touch on your dinner party, so do not neglect including it in your diligent planning to make the event truly memorable.

Images provided by Noel Music Enterprises, Erica Powell Walker and Hulse Photography

Writing contribution by: Brian Noel

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